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2019-03-27 11:05:08


  Dry climate, your furniture also needs a lot more than the "water"?

  咱们的家私经过了夏日的湿润,秋季显得枯燥,家私也需求经常的补补水,这样的保养才非常好,才能让您的家私的寿数更持久,下面咱们看看 复合门 给咱们共享的家私小常识:

  Our furniture after wet summer, autumn is dry, furniture is often a lot of water demand, so the maintenance is very good, to make your private life spans longer, let's take a look at below composite door The sharing of furniture for both of us a tip:


  1, to avoid the sun damage. Though comparison and summer, the early autumn sunshine is now not so sharp. But autumn climate is a big characteristic, that is boring, coupled with the relatively strong contrast of sunshine and some of the furniture in the home is perhaps due to the direct presents the status of the cracking. So, about some of the can is opposite the window or sunshine point-blank local, it is best to use some thick cloth to cover the window.


  2, to pay more attention to clean. In a dry climate, in the dust, dust in the air strikes. Perhaps every one or two days will find home on furniture like tea table, TV ark is accumulated a thick layer of ash. If just a gusty wind blowing, it may be "strong breeze up xi dust float in the sky". So should you clean every day, in a timely manner to remove the dust, it can not only adhere to the furniture clean and bright, also can avoid diseases such as asthma, rhinitis caused by inhaling too much dust.


  3, pay attention to moisture. Some wooden furniture simple present some cracks under dry climate, so this season can properly apply some essential oil on the furniture. For comparing dry air, we can also put some more green plants in the home to add humidity. However, all things are not excessive, so don't forget the moistureproof together in protect wet. Especially some contrast of low floor tenants, household moisturizing for yourself when you need to pay attention to the local, put it in ventilated or simple will because too moist and moldy.


  The filling water here is not to let you into furniture on the water, but said that you want to stick to furniture boring also not too wet. Too wet furniture may be moldy, and too dull furniture might crack. So you want to stick to your furniture and not dull and lack of water. Summer on furniture should pay attention to in the process of maintenance of the crack is moistureproof, let furniture has a reasonable living environment.



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