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2019-03-27 11:05:08


  Wood mold for our favorite stylemakers of be affected with damp be affected with damp?


  Wooden door mold indoor water vapor is the key


  Wooden door mold is caused, the moisture content is more in the space and count of water origin, family environment usually consists of the following five some:


  1. Stop water sweep the floor

  咱们往常在打扫卫生或是大扫除的时分,很有可能将拖把或抹布上的水溅到木门上。由于过程中并未多加留心,一朝一夕,木门就有很多小霉点。 复合门

  Let's always at the cleaning or cleaning, may be on mop or cloth on the water splashed onto the wooden door. Because did not pay attention in the process, overnight, small wooden door has a lot of mildew. Composite door


  2. The bathroom shower water


  Between the kitchen and bathroom space such as often come into contact with water, it is hard not to make water is absorbed by the wood door, so the wooden door between the kitchen and bathroom are relatively simple mold.


  3. The room list of hot and cold air when they met in water vapor


  Especially the window may move the door of the balcony water will happen; Open empty floor heating room between hot and cold air together in harmony can also occur water vapor, the kitchen and sitting room have the same picture.


  4. When the climate warmed the moisture


  Such as continuous overcast and rainy season, especially in the southern plum rains season, the water vapor in the home in more, even in the condensed water droplets on wall, glass, wood, this is a big wooden door moldy.


  5. A new wall itself contains water.


  Consequently, wooden door device before, it was necessary to pass the necessary moistureproof, anticorrosive processing.


  Usually the maintenance can't ignore


  Can add lime powder between the gap in the door and the floor, in addition, wax should be regularly for the door, every 6-12 months, with a dedicated door paste wax to a layer of wax on the door. And before the wax, using the tenderness of alkaline soap water will erase the old wax.


  In wet spring and summer thunderstorm more, try not to use dishcloth to clean with water directly, the real wood door always with clean soft cloth at least brush, may be dipped in wooden door quietly wiping special cleaner to remove dirt, this kind of cleaner can form a layer of protective film in the surface of solid wood door, to some extent, prevent moisture penetration into the inside of the wooden door. And more monotonous in qiu dong season only with a slightly damp soft cloth along the wood grain quietly scrub, adhere to the water content of real wood door to prevent cracking. Seriously do not wipe with dry cloth, avoid chafed.


  They were faced with real wood door moldy condition, can dip in with clean soft cloth first point neutral cleaner or special cleaner to eradicate the door. Then in moldy quietly wipe on a layer of wax or door is some special essential oil, and put in a stale local piece of soap or gauze bag filled with dried tea leaves, help to eliminate mildew flavour.


  Can put some of hygroscopic box by the door, activated carbon, such as desiccant products, and open a window or use appropriate air conditioning ventilation function, discharge the room of moist air. In addition, indoor plants can put in the balcony may be a sitting room, not near the door, to avoid in leaky irrigation time, causing the ground such as wood, foam, the real wood door cannot be closed.


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